Thursday, February 23, 2023



I hate traps.

They're everywhere, set for people, all around us. 

What's on my mind today is the "trap" of the underhanded motives of those who recruit people to attend and join their church, for the sake of increasing the numbers and building up the congregation...for the money. Also, to scout out people to join, to make them a member of their denomination. 

To whom are they loyal, who are they really serving? 

True evangelism is introducing other people to the King, the One who sets us all free, the One who heals and delivers, the One who redeems our past and gives us hope for the future. 

Denominations and "organized religion" (as it's called today) have become a dangerous thing. I don't think it started this way, nor do I think the intentions are shady all across the board. These are man-made institutions that have become businesses. There's no other way to say it. 

When you, being a faithful member of a certain congregation, invite your friend or coworker to attend your church, are you extending an offer for them to find Jesus, or the Christian Clubhouse that you are a part of?

I know that churches rely on donations and offerings from the congregation to keep running, this is necessary. Pastors should be covered financially. The people benefitting from the fellowship should give as the Lord lays upon their hearts, naturally. But what has it become, in these dark days?

It's ok to break from tradition, and forge your own path with Jesus. Come to Him first, and see where He leads you, for fellowship. For some, an individual walk is needed. 

You don't have to stay with the church that you were born into, out of duty or obligation to your family.

Tradition can be dangerous. It feels safe and predictable, and if you're bound (blinded) by it, you're less likely to question it...

Pray that God will open your eyes to the traps set for you that are all around you. Pray that He will reveal to you the trap(s) that you might be caught in. Pray, and He will set you free.

Seek Jesus, not religion.


If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

John 8:36
