February 16, 2023
Subject: Abstract 9
The arrows coming up from the left side seem to be saying "go! achieve! perform! attain! pursue!"... all on the backdrop of space... a void, nothing.
This picture reminds me of how futile it is to strive for the things the world programs us to want, and do, and be.
The circles in the image can represent anything, really - wealth, status, knowledge, power, beauty, strength, material goods. But they are simply circles - going round and round, with no end, no point of completion.
A hamster wheel... the Rat Race.
I believe that the days of setting out to accomplish worldly things are coming to an end for us all. It's starting to become apparent to whomever will take the time to look - and wake up - that it's all done in vain.
Yes we have to get up and live. We must care for our health. We must learn to read and write and get educated, whatever is fitting for us. Then, we go into the world, and work. That looks different for each of us.
But all of these things are only the building blocks for our physical life, that we have to live out. They are not the "meaning of life", nor do they define us.
Material goods (houses, cars, clothing, etc etc) are not the goal.
We are created beings. Our Creator comes first. His will, His purpose for each of us, His ways, His truth. His Holy Word.
I have strived in this world to the point of being broken under the weight of it. I prayed along the way that God would show me truth about things - regarding the times we're living in. Deception is not only everywhere, it is the norm. This will change everything about your everyday life. I personally am barely able to function within this world of lies that we are living in, and I admit, I lack the stength to go on. So I take it day by day, and if I am weak, it's alright - I rest in His hands. That's all I can do, until He takes me home.