Thursday, February 23, 2023

Red Bird With Eggs


January 25, 2023  
Subject: Red Bird With Eggs 

A red bird with golden eggs... a simple doodle, that's all it is, except that it reminds me of Christmas, and Easter...

Traditional holidays are a thing of the past for me, it's been a gradual awakening to the full reality of what celebrating Christmas and Easter really entails. Halloween is a no-brainer, but I was surprised to discover what's really going on, behind the scenes, when we gather for decorated trees, gift exchanges, and egg hunts. Oh, and St. Valentine's Day, too. That one is extra creepy. Even celebrating one's own birthday - with candles on a cake, party hats and streamers, being showered with presents... I've turned from that, too. 

I will admit, pulling away from traditional holiday gatherings was probably much easier for me than for others, due to my already reclusive way of life. But, I still get some heat for it, from a distance, occasionally. I can only imagine the reactions of those who already thought I was nuts, now, she won't even do birthdays! ...such is life...

Yes, I'm following Jesus, and in so doing, have had to keep learning, keep growing, keep tossing things overboard that I know to be not of Him. The lies exposed just keep coming. The more you learn, the more uncomfortable and unpleasant it gets, as a Christian, regarding other people who are still in the world. Jesus never said it would be easy, but He is with us, every step of the way, opening doors that have been locked, making a smooth way where the road has been broken. I'm holding onto Him, not letting go, finding grace and healing on this narrow path. I don't want to keep anything in my life that doesn't please Him, and knowing what I know now about our traditional holidays, I'm disgusted, icked out, and don't want anything to do with them. And no... they're NOT all about Jesus. That's a lie. 

I know that some religious sects/groups don't celebrate traditional holdidays, but I'm not one of them. I associate with no "religion", no denomination, no man-made doctrine. I'm simply one more sinner saved by grace, a born again believer in Jesus Christ, who shed His blood for us all. I read the Bible regularly, preferring the King James Version, it being the closest English translation to the original manuscripts. 

Most people don't really care whether our holidays are pagan or not, I understand that. But I really hope and pray that folks, especially those who are believers in Christ, will take the time to learn about the origins of these holidays. It's just one more uncomfortable and unpleasant thing to deal with, I know. 

Oh and it gets even worse, when you decide that's enough, and turn from the celebrations and traditional get-togethers. But it's worth it. Every loss in the world is a gain, when it comes to our walk with Jesus. 

It's much better to be wide awake, and face the truth, and deal with the hardships, while still on earth, while there's still time to make choices for our lives, learn and grow, and see where He wants to take us, and what He wants to do with us.