Thursday, February 23, 2023



January 30, 2023  
Subject: Mouse 

I really like this mouse. 
I just drew it with my finger, then colored it in with some art filters. It reminds me of some of the cute patches that were sewn on (or ironed on) my cutoff shorts and other clothes, in the 1970s. 

I had a little toy mouse when I was a kid - it’s name was “Grey Mouse”. It was only about 3 inches tall, made of felt. I think it was intended as cat toy, but it was given to me as a gift from my Uncle. I held on to Grey Mouse for a few years, gripping him tightly in my hand. I’m not a mouse person, or even a rodent/hamster/gerbil person, in fact I think they stink. Never did see the value in keeping them as pets, even as a kid.
But I do think mice are cute.



January 31, 2023  
Subject: Horse 

thick long mane
strong and stout
dapple markings
all about

swishy tail
clip clop hooves
gallop, trot
prancy moves

chompy teeth
munch on hay
bridle, saddle
whinny and neigh

Lotus Blossoms


February 1, 2023  
Subject: Lotus Blossoms 

what’s in the pond?
and so it showed us
a stem, a leaf
bloom of lotus

a dainty boat
that does not sink
aqua blooms
of magenta pink



February 1, 2023  
Subject: Just Chickens 

guard your chicks
scratch the dirt
humble clucking
common bird

upon your meat
many a man fed
sorry I took
your eggs for granted



February 1, 2023  
Subject: Flowers 

a seed is sown,
and after it settles
comes stem and leaf
adorned with petals

daisy dancing
in the wind
pick, and give it
to a friend

don’t have a garden?
it’s ok
you can buy 
a florist boquet

Abstract 6


February 2, 2023  
Subject: Abstract 6 

might be marbles
lost long ago...
or some kind of seeds
ready to grow

could be bubbles
deep in a river
or maybe, a cat scan
of somebody’s liver

or are they cookies
stolen by mice...
or ancient coins
frozen in ice

sunlit morning
drops of dew?
truth be told,
I have no clue

Chicken And Turtle


February 2, 2023  
Subject: Chicken And Turtle 

a chicken and turtle
took a walk
thru the hood one day

the chicken clucked
the turtle laughed
and that’s all there is to say

A Cup Of Tea


February 2, 2023  
Subject: Tea With Crackers 

the crackers are
crunchy and thin
the tea is hot
with milk poured in

it’s cooling off
so drink it soon
the cup, I think
is burgundy maroon



February 2, 2023  
Subject: Abstract 

a tablecloth spread,
where someone dined?
a curtain drawn
with sunlight behind...

lines and squares
partially hid
an abstract render
a jewel-tone grid

Bird 21


February 2, 2023  
Subject: Bird 21 

atop her head
a plume of spiral
she just found out
bird flu went viral

with little stick feet
she seems to lean
on a backdrop
of bright lime green



February 3, 2023  
Subject: Hedgehog 

a little rolling
ball of bristles
with quills like tiny
pokey missles

wiggle nose
whiskers fine
pint-sized mini

The Next Journey


February 16, 2023  
Subject: The Next Journey 

where will you go
and what will you see
on life's ocean
of possibilities?

God bless the journey
as you embark
and don't get eaten
by a shark!



January 10, 2023  
Subject: Marbles 

When I was a kid in the 1970s, I was into collecting marbles for a little while. Not playing marble games with them, no... just collecting them, admiring them, and sorting them out, by style, shape, and color. 
I had a neighbor friend, who was a few years younger, and she too had a marble collection going. 
One day while playing at her house, we both had our marbles out, in separate piles. 
She left the room for a moment, and I, being the sneaky and devious little weirdo that I was, helped myself to a few of her marbles, adding them to my own pile. She didn't notice my theft, and I thought I had gotten away with it, that is, until her mother called my mother that evening, telling her that "Amy needs to return her daughter's marbles". My mother questioned me about this, and I immediately denied the deed. The charges were not dropped against me - it was known exactly how many marbles were in my friend's collection, and in due process, it was discovered that there were that many extra in my collection. I was made to go to her house, and return her stolen marbles. I remember being indignant, embarrassed, and ashamed. 
I'm thankful for her mom, who called me out, and for my own mom, who also made me own up to the crime.
If only more of my misdeeds throughout my youth were discovered, perhaps I would have developed a better moral character, alot earlier. Instead, it took me half a lifetime to straighten out. 
Which makes me often wonder... am I still bad, and just don't know it? When I'm 80, will I regret my behavior and ways, currently? 


Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6

Life Goes On


It's now 2023, and a strange season of my life is wrapping up.
A season that began for me in 2006. How many years is that? About 17? ...So, like a hibernating locust, I emerge from the dirt after a seventeen year cycle of stages. I like locusts. As a child, when they hatched from their light brown casings, I would get a large plastic bowl, and scavenge the entire back yard, finding each one, carefully extracting it from whatever it was holding on to, and collected them all into said bowl. I was a strange child...

This season of my life that I'm referring to is marked by great instability, dependence, and living in a series of homes that were not mine, out of necessity. 

At the end of 2006, I lost my way.

The reason(s) why are another writing bit entirely, so I'll try to just stay focused here on the point - I have been rocking along for all these years, without "my own" place, except for a 9 year period in Florida, in my home(s) with my husband. Even then, however, it was still as if I were in someone else's world.

If it's never happened to you, it can be hard to imagine the number it can do to a person's head. Especially if it's not by choice. 

I have gone from home to home, for all of these years, constantly adapting and modifying myself, over and over again, in order to blend in, cope, survive, not rock the boat. After a while, continually changing oneself takes a toll on you - there comes a point where you lose yourself in the process, forgetting who you ever were to begin with.

It has taken a huge toll on me, psychologically.

A person can stand and judge, say "she's lost her mind", shake their head. I am familiar with this type of person, and of the opinions that come forth from them. I can only say, my journey has been unique, and the chaos I've endured - the broken road I've had to walk - has not been in vain, nor does it make me any less of a human being. 

I am honored to have known the turbulence, the loss, the inability to always hold on. In the process, I have learned complete dependence and trust in God. 
I have learned that it's not about my strength, but His.
It's not my knowledge and wisdom, it's His.
It's not my own ideas and plans in life, it's about following Him, where He leads me. How would my stubborn and prideful self have learned this, if it weren't for my broken road? 

I now have found "home" again, not only in a physical sense, but in my head and in my spirit. It's only now that I'm settled that I can begin to look back on the last 17 years, and make sense of it all. 

God is helping me.

I wanted to write about this today, because I see stuff happening in the world, so much has changed, so many people are also losing their way, and their homes, and their money. I want to hug each one, and help them, and fix their situation, but I can't. I can only hope and pray that God will redeem my life, and that I can be a blessing to others, however He sees fit.

When you see a homeless person, or a "room renter", or a hotel dweller - God have mercy, please don't judge. 

Those who judge others for no longer being able to hold on, and float their own boat, have not (yet) experienced this thing that comes upon people. We all have different trials and challenges in this world. Those who sit comfortably in their own home, with everything still intact - bank accounts, retirement funds, physical health, mental health/clarity, etc - good for you. I hope you can see that this is a blessing, and that you will be humble, and kind and generous to others. It can all be taken away, and then you too will taste the shock, uncertainty, and fear of not knowing where you will live, or who you will live with, or how you will be treated, if you must be dependent.

Just don't judge. Share your blessings. 

I am so thankful for all the people who helped me along the way and opened their doors to me. It was challenging at times, for everyone. 

Panning out to a bigger picture, I wonder where we are headed, when it comes to housing. The times have changed so much. 

Back in 2008, I did a vlog on the economy, not claiming to be a money expert or anything, but observing the growing instability in housing options.. Back then, I said I could see a day where normal single-family houses are divided into two, or four, and made into separate living quarters.

Now I see that the time is here, and room-renting is a good and solid alternative for many, myself included. Watch for more backyard sheds and garages to also be transformed into apartments. People are coming together, because we have to.
How will this change us, as a society?

I kinda see the bright side here. Maybe we will be forced to put aside our differences and predjudices, for the sake of keeping the peace. When you are forced to rent a space from someone else, it really puts things in perspective. If you're a problematic jerk, you could lose the roof over your head. 

I might write more on this subject another time, explaining what happened to me, personally, that propelled me in to a 17-year rollercoaster through all kinds of crazytown living, but I'll save that for another time. 

Houses and homes are a-changin', ya'll. 
Get ready.

Bird In Yellow Pants


January 12, 2023  
Subject: Bird In Yellow Pants 

Mr. Bird 
was a cheeky fellow...
And so he wore his
pants of yellow.

Lost Marbles


January 14, 2023  
Subject: Lost Marbles 

This image was made with a simple doodle, then lots of different art filters layered on. 
It kind of has an 80s feel to it, with the "marbles" and geometric stuff in the background. 
Makes sense to me, because it was in the 1980s that I first began to lose my marbles. Maybe a few were lost earlier, like in my earlier childhood years... but they really started to roll around and come loose in the 1980s. I won't get too deep here. I'll just say, maybe I shouldn't have tried any drugs when I was a teenager, knowing full well that they could scramble minds. 
Also, I had emotional struggles, from things that were unhealthy / destructive in my formative years. 

Yes, my "marbles" have been lost over the years, but then, began to be found and reclaimed again, one by one.

Back in the 1980s, when I was in high school, I remember dodging and avoiding the guys at my school who were put-together, "normal", wholesome. They were popular, friendly, involved in athletics. They were the ones who the popular girls wanted to date. I remember thinking, I can't date any of them. What if they see my inferior underbelly... my instability... my sometimes broken mind. All the way back then, in the late 1980s, I was already aware of how different I was, and becoming. I experienced some abuse, that took it's toll on me, and gave me a sense of inferiority and shame, when I was around the popular, normal kids. They didn't know what I was hiding. 

I've learned, as time has gone by, how unhealthy it is to compare. We are all on different and unique tracks. We all learn different things at different times. 

The irony of it is, I had some intense difficulties and unseen hardships as a teenager, yet have known comfort and ease later in life. Sort of a reversal from what others have experienced. I suppose it all evens out, in the end...

a prayer -

Lord Jesus,
please help me to stop comparing myself to others.
Please heal me of the feelings of inferiority and shame,
when compared to other people.
Please help me to see and understand that You allow us all to go through things at different times, teaching us what we need, at different seasons in our lives.
Thank You for my unique and wonderful life.

Today's News Cartoon


January 15, 2023  
Subject: Today's News cartoon 

I drew this cartoon about 14 years ago, along with a handful of other ones, all slightly negative and sarcastic. I cringe a little when looking at them... why did I draw such dark messages like this? I was angry, I think, at so many things - the world, people, and myself. These days I give my anger and everything else that can't remain in my head and my heart to Jesus, just as soon as it crops up. He keeps me clean. I'm still a wretched sinning human, but His blood keeps me healthy and whole. 

About that. The blood of Jesus is our protection in these dark days. The things we see and hear on the news, and online, are disturbing, and can't be stopped by the common man, on an individual level. We can pray, but even then, it's about God's will. 

How can all of this chaos be understood? What do we do? Do we protest? No... I am lf the opinion that we should start by learning. Seeking the truth about the big picture, and what's really going on. 

Conspiracy theories abound, and it's all very interesting. I think, however, the best place to start, is at the top. The Book of Revelation says it all. Pray for wisdom and understanding, and ask Him to reveal to you what He wants you to understand. His word is the top - above the tip of the iceberg - above the "pyramid". The iceberg, and all that it contains, and leads to, is under, and within, the Word of God. Going down rabbit holes without knowledge of the end times, via God's Word, is dangerous. You'll find information but only end up with more confusion, without knowing the big picture.

Everything - diseases, wars, disasters, corruption, trickery, increasing control, and all the other things happening - lines up, falls into place, and makes perfect sense, when His word is understood. 

I do find it interesting to see what the "conspiracy theories" are saying - but I know where it's all headed, so I have the clarity needed. It's simply discovering the details of how the end time things are coming to be. It's been a work in progress for a long time, and it's nothing new.


Ecclesiastes 1:9
The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.


Matthew 24:4-13

4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.
10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.
11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.



I hate traps.

They're everywhere, set for people, all around us. 

What's on my mind today is the "trap" of the underhanded motives of those who recruit people to attend and join their church, for the sake of increasing the numbers and building up the congregation...for the money. Also, to scout out people to join, to make them a member of their denomination. 

To whom are they loyal, who are they really serving? 

True evangelism is introducing other people to the King, the One who sets us all free, the One who heals and delivers, the One who redeems our past and gives us hope for the future. 

Denominations and "organized religion" (as it's called today) have become a dangerous thing. I don't think it started this way, nor do I think the intentions are shady all across the board. These are man-made institutions that have become businesses. There's no other way to say it. 

When you, being a faithful member of a certain congregation, invite your friend or coworker to attend your church, are you extending an offer for them to find Jesus, or the Christian Clubhouse that you are a part of?

I know that churches rely on donations and offerings from the congregation to keep running, this is necessary. Pastors should be covered financially. The people benefitting from the fellowship should give as the Lord lays upon their hearts, naturally. But what has it become, in these dark days?

It's ok to break from tradition, and forge your own path with Jesus. Come to Him first, and see where He leads you, for fellowship. For some, an individual walk is needed. 

You don't have to stay with the church that you were born into, out of duty or obligation to your family.

Tradition can be dangerous. It feels safe and predictable, and if you're bound (blinded) by it, you're less likely to question it...

Pray that God will open your eyes to the traps set for you that are all around you. Pray that He will reveal to you the trap(s) that you might be caught in. Pray, and He will set you free.

Seek Jesus, not religion.


If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

John 8:36


Bird 19


January 18, 2023  
Subject: Bird 19 

Just a little neon bird
glowing in the dark
singing till the morning comes
a hoppy, tweety lark

Random childhood memory -
In 1976 or '77, I was around 7 years old or so, playing in the backyard, having the time of my life. I loved being alone outside. If I could go back to just one day in my childhood, I'd probably want to spend it in my backyard, in my treehouse, or jumping on the trampoline. 
I grew up in Oak Cliff, a large section of Dallas, Texas. My childhood there was absolutely golden. 

On this one particular day, at age 7, I was lost in my own little world, playing on the trampoline, but not ON it - I was hanging upside down from the rail, maybe pretending to do gymnastics or something. I just remember holding on with my hands, my legs up over the rail, swinging there, upside down, and singing. 

I enjoyed this for a moment or two, then.... SPLAT.

Suddenly there was something in my mouth. 

It came from the sky. 

It tasted gross.

It was all over my front teeth...

I had a suspicion that it was bird poop. 

I was not wrong.

This was discovered to be true after running inside and looking in the mirror. My front teeth and part of my tongue were splattered in black and white bird poop.

I rushed to the bathroom, wiped the poop off of my teeth, and spit out all I could into the sink, before rinsing my mouth out.

That's the story of The Day I Got Bird Poop In My Mouth.